How Avos U’Banim Began

Twenty-five years ago, while on a visit to Gateshead, England, R’ Dovid Hershkowitz witnessed an event that took his breath away: On motzaei Shabbos, a group of fathers and sons came to shul and each pair spent the next hour learning together. He instantly grasped the inherent power of such a gathering. Imagine, in today’s hectic world, having one dedicated hour a week for fathers to connect with their sons through learning! He immediately decided to bring this concept back with him to Eretz Yisrael. That’s how Avos U’banim was born.


Mordechai Hatzaddik


Weekly Avos Ubanim


Mordechai Hatzaddik

The Story Behind the Movement

After working indefatigably at his mission to spread the program far and wide, in 2008, R’ Hershkowitz handed over the reins to Rav Naftoli Falk, a veteran mechanech and scion of a choshuve rabbinic family, who’d been involved in the organization almost since its inception, by starting the Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik program in 1998, that restored Torah learning to the holy day of Purim, and which has since become a global movement of its own. Today, Avos U’banim is a beloved household name among Jewish families throughout the world. The Avos U’banim organization oversees 1,300 branches within Eretz Yisrael, from Kiryat Shemoneh to Eilat and everywhere in between, while its influence has spread far beyond, to Jewish communities across the globe.


Weekly Avos Ubanim


Weekly Avos Ubanim


Weekly Avos Ubanim

Avos U’banim Today

Today, Avos U’banim is a beloved household name among Jewish families throughout the world. The Avos U’banim organization oversees 1,300 branches within Eretz Yisrael, from Kiryat Shemoneh to Eilat and everywhere in between, while its influence has spread far beyond, to Jewish communities across the globe. Yet, 25 years and tens of thousands of children later, its mission remains the same: to give every boy an hour a week of special one-on-one learning time with his father.

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