The power of an hour.​

Every child deserves​ special time with his father.​

One child and his father. While the number of Avos UBanim participants today number in the many tens of thousands, what we see is individuals: tens of thousands of unique father-son pairs. Because there is nothing more essential to a child’s growth than having a strong, loving relationship with his parents. And in today’s hectic, fast-paced world, there is more need than ever for a father to carve out special one-on-one time for his son. This is the mission behind Avos Ubanim – the global father-son learning program that has grown to become one of Klal Yisrael’s most beloved institutions.

Our Projects

Avos Ubanim ​

For one hour each week, on Shabbos afternoons, close to 50,000 boys in 1,300 branches across Israel enjoy special learning time with their fathers.

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Mordechai Hatzaddik​

60,000 children learning Torah on the holy day of Purim! 60,000 children shaking the Heavens on this powerful day of yeshuos v’niflaos!

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Motzei Yom Kippur

Immediately following Yom Kippur, tens of thousands of fathers and sons spend an hour learning together in perfect purity.

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Israel: 1208

U.S: 364






France: 14

Switzerland: 11

Australia: 6 

Russia: 6


South Africa: 3

Austria: 2

Chile: 1

Hong Kong: 1

Brazil: 2

Argentina: 5

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Donors Witness

Within a few months, my two older daughters got engaged!
I had three daughters in shidduchim, two of them older singles. I decided to give a sizable donation to the Motzaei Yom Kippur learning, hoping that the davening of thousands of pure children at such a holy time would help bring our yeshua. Within a few months, both of my two older daughters got engaged!

His daughter-in-law gave birth the next year – on Purim!
A well-known Rav’s son had been married over 4 years with no children. The Rav called to give a donation to Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik in their zechus. His daughter-in-law gave birth the next year – on Purim!

The yeshuos, baruch Hashem, keep coming.
Around 6 years ago, I was in need of a certain yeshua, and called to donate to Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik. I pledged that if the yeshua happened, I would give double my donation next Purim. Well, the next year I doubled it. But there was another yeshua I needed. So I made the same pledge… Now, six years later, my annual Purim donation has increased exponentially! But I keep on giving… because the yeshuos, baruch Hashem, keep coming.

“It’s in your zechus!”
A 36-year-old single woman called. She wanted to donate something significant to Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik, as a zechus to find her zivug. At our suggestion, she donated 1% of our total costs. Later that year, Rabbi Falk got a call from a friend of his, whose wife had passed away. The friend was calling to share good news: he had gotten remarried. “And it’s in your zechus!” he added, as he told Rabbi Falk the name of his new wife – the woman who had donated the previous Purim!

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