Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik

The cherry on the pie of the entire Avos U’banim programming is undoubtedly Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik – a concept that has literally transformed Purim for Jewish families across the globe.







Here’s the story behind it

With the Jews facing annihilation, Mordechai HaTzaddik knew just where to turn: to the Jewish children, the tinnokos shel bais rabban. Thanks to their pure, powerful learning and prayer, the Jewish people were zocheh to have the decree overturned. Yet, ironically, the holy day of Purim, the day of “Kimu v’Kiblu” with its awesome power to bring yeshuos for Klal Yisrael, had for far too long been bereft of any Torah learning. The idea of a father-son learning program Purim morning was first implemented in Gateshead by Rav Falk’s uncle, Rav Matisyahu Solomon zt”l – and met with great success.

First time to open a sefer on Purim

Yet, when Rav Falk decided to organize a Purim learning program in Eretz Yisrael, in a shul in the Ezras Torah neighborhood of Yerushalayim, he faced many naysayers. “You’re crazy! No boy is going to give up his Purim to come out and learn in a Beis Medrash!” Purim day, 400 boys packed the Ezras Torah shul. Rav Tzvi Meir Zilberburg happened to walk into the shul, and was so astounded when he saw the Beis Medrash packed with boys learning with their fathers that he sat and cried for a quarter of an hour. “’We can’t even imagine how much nachas the Ribbono Shel Olam is getting from this!’ he said. One 51-year-old participant emotionally declared that this was the first time in his life that he’d opened a sefer on Purim.

Thus encouraged, the next year Rav Falk ran the program country-wide – and participation jumped to 14,000 boys. It has been growing each year since. Today, over 60,000 boys learn in Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik on Purim day, in 1,300 locations across Eretz Yisrael.
Imagine how the Heavens shake from the voices of 60,000 children united in learning – together with their fathers, over 100,000 in all! The excitement is palpable; boys literally drag their fathers to the Beis Medrash.



Mordechai Hatzaddik


Mordechai Hatzaddik


Mordechai Hatzaddik


Weekly Avos Ubanim


Mordechai Hatzaddik


Mordechai Hatzaddik


Mordechai Hatzaddik

The power to shake Heaven & Earth

An integral component to the program’s success is the prizes. The boys eagerly anticipate the valuable prizes, which are a closely-guarded secret, adding to the excitement leading up to Purim. Past prizes have included a table top shtender, a pillowcase for Seder night, and similar significant items. With the prize costing 50 – 60 shekel per child, Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik is an expensive undertaking. Expensive – yet highly profitable! Both for Klal Yisrael as a whole, and for individual donors. Stories abound of people who experienced long-awaited yeshuos after donating to Yeshivas Mordechai HaTzaddik and taking part in the dynamite power of children learning Torah on Purim.

day of Purim

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