Weekly Avos U’banim

A young boy grasps his father’s hand as, together, they walk into shul and sit down at a table. For the next hour, father and son learn, talk and listen, ask and answer, as the boy’s eyes shine and his father sends him the clear message: there is nothing more important to me than our time together.
For one hour each week, on Motzaei Shabbos in the winters and on Friday or Shabbos afternoons in the summers, close to 50,000 boys in 1,300 branches across Israel enjoy special learning time with their fathers.


Father and Son


Father and Son


Father and Son


Father and Son

Weekly Prizes, Raffles & Contests

Our central Avos U’banim office drives these numbers by incentivizing boys to attend, through our hotline which offers weekly prizes, raffles and contests. Each boy has his own personal code, and when he confirms his participation in that week’s AUB, he is entered into our weekly raffle. Several times throughout the winter, we deliver the prizes to all of the AUB branches across the country. It’s quite the logistical undertaking!
These prizes and incentives play a key role in the AUB program, and serve as a major motivator for the boys. By helping to sponsor these prizes, you will enable this special Torah learning to take place.


Father and Son


Father and Son


Father and Son


Father and Son

Hours of Torah learned each week.
Fathers & Sons who’ve deepened their connection.

Thanks to you.

Open a New Branch!

Interested in opening a new branch? Please fill in your details and we will contact you as soon as possible